Monday, December 2, 2013


Hello people ! Fuyooo lama gila dah tak update blog. Serious. Ahaaha. Jgnkan update, visit untuk yang kali terakhir pun ntah bila. LOL.. Btw guys, I won't use the title for nothing now. yeah the COMEBACK.. Gonna update this blog more often this time.. Previous post pun dah lama gila. 2011 tu.. skrg ni lagi sebulan masuk dah 2014. Ahaaha.

Okey now let me introduce to you who the hell is MOHD IKMAL. What and how he's doing currently. Right, sekarang ni umur dia dah 19 tahun. Baru ja entered university bulan 9 hari tu. Dkt mana? dkt USM. Hee~ sebelum tu dy study dekat KML (kolej matrikulasi labuan). Alhamdulillah dgn berbekalkan result yg cukup bagus dapatlah masuk USM ambil course Farmasi. Siapa yg nak jadi Farmasis nnti ni angkat tangan show your ketiak bucuk!! aishh joke2 =D Btw kitorang yg ambil course farmasi tahun pertama skrg ni sngt kesian. Why?? sbb hanya 21 org ja lelaki out of 115 students overall. && only 10 of us yg malay & bumiputra.. ada 4 org ja dari Sabah yo! sy special sbb hanya sy sorang pure KADAZAN DUSUN dlm course farmasi USM. Dari 1st - 4th year tau ! haaa *mcm minta tumbuk*

Bha itu2 lah dulu kan. cukup2 lah dulu sesi "ice breaking"nya. Ahaaha. Okeyy see u guys in the next post =)

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